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Flashback 2010 VMAs: Just one year later, Lady Gaga became the lead contender of the night, earning an outstanding thirteen nominations and winning eight of those awards.
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She arrived to the show in sporting a grey wig with a feathered mohawk first in an Alexander McQueen dress that features Michelangelo artwork, and Alexander McQueen armidillo heels.
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But, she didn't come alone. She arrived with some soldiers discharged from the navy for being openly gay.
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And she ended up dedicating her first award of the night, for Best Female Video for Bad Romance, to them, wearing the same dress she wore on the red carpet.
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She later won Best Pop Video, again for Bad Romance, this time wearing a huge black leather dress with a spiked mohawk made of actual spikes.
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Next came the most infamous outfit of the night, better yet of her career, was the meat dress inspired by her gay acceptance speech called 'The Prime Rib of America'.
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She won the last award of the night, wearing the dress made of real raw meat, presented by Cher for Video of the Year for Bad Romance, where she cried and announced her new album title as well as the chorus of the title song.
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Altrhough she did not perform, she was indeed the most credited and talked about of the night. Here are pictures of the worn outfits of the night as well as videos of her acceptance speeches:
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Fast Forward to 2011 VMAs: Lady Gaga has officially been announced to perform at this year's VMAs, but no nominations have been announced yet. They will be officially posted tonight at 11pm ET and the nominations will be posted tomorrow. How do you think she will arrive at this year's show?
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Lady Gaga took home the VMA's best dressed and worst dressed looks, often in the same outfit. The reigning queen of outre chic did not disappoint, with multiple outfit changes, including a full-on face mask of red lace, tightie whities, feathers, headgear, and the must-have accessory of the season, a bejeweled crutch.
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Lady Gaga, who won best new artist at the awards ceremony Sunday (and dedicated the win to "God and the gays"), also poked fun at her image, arriving at the show with Kermit the Frog, a nod at her July appearance on German television wearing a top made of Kermit stuffed animals. Though Kermit stayed inside the limo, Lady Gaga gave him a kiss. "He's been a really good date," she says. "It's our first date, but we've been eyeing each other for a while.".
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Gaga opened the 2011 VMAs like only she could. Before launching into a rocking rendition of new hit single 'You and I,' Gaga acted out an entire monologue in drag! In black slicked hair, white T-shirt and a 5 O'clock shadow, the male alter-ego Gaga gave us in the 'You and I' music video, Gaga wowed us before being joined on stage by Queen guitarist Brian May.
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So, which is better (or worse)? Chris Gaines? Or Jo Calderone? Lady Gaga’s male alter ego took the the MTV VMA stage a second time to present the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard award to Britney Spears, and for a man who opened the show complaining about the constant spotlight on Lady Gaga, he seemingly could not stop hogging it for himself.
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After lauding Spears as “a pop music legend” who inspired him when he was a starving artist, Calderone offered this anecdote/over-share: “I used to hang posters of her on the wall and touch myself when I was in bed.” (Spears, for her part, found that hilarious.) Calderone then cued a well-choreographed-if-still-mildly-horrifying tribute performance by a gaggle of tween girls in Britney drag dancing to some of her biggest hits.
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When Rob Fusari first met Gaga, she was a pretty normal looking Italian lass from New York. She looked more like a cast member on Jersey Shore. Long brown hair and according to some old friends, the craziest look Gaga went for was wearing suspenders.
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Gaga's main style of music was jazzy type ballads with her on the piano. The clubby, Euro-pop dance music was a polar opposite of what she was all about. Rob Fusari was searching for a rock type chick to front an all girl band with a similar style to The Strokes. He thought he found that in Gaga. Then known as Stefani.
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When the female band idea didn't materialize, Fusari worked on convincing Gaga to give up on rock and roll and focus on dance music by telling her that her second rate Nora Jones act isn't cutting it. This would mark the beginning of Lady Gaga.
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In fact, it was Fusari who gave her the idea for the name "Lady Gaga". In a 2008 interview with MTV's Buzzworthy blog before The Fame's release, Gaga credits Fusari with her new name. "My name, Lady Gaga, comes from the first producer that I worked with, Rob Fusari," she said. "I was playing a record for him one day in the studio called 'Again Again,' which is actually a B-side for the album, it's like this super-Beatles/Queen theatrical ballad. He said, 'God, you're so "Radio Gaga," ' and I thought that was funny. And every time I'd come into the studio he'd say, 'Gaga is here, Gaga is here! Gaga Gaga!' So it sort of stuck, and I tacked on the 'Lady' as a sort of ironic contrast to the crazy of the Gaga."
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Enter Lady Starlight and thus began the transformation of Gaga's look. “Hello, hello Lady. I’m Lady Starlight. I’m a DJ. I want to help you make some great onstage fashions. First, a good idea is setting this can of hairspray on fire! And here are some disco balls.” That was the very first thing Starlight said to Gaga when they first met through Akon.
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Starlight at the same time, probably introduced Gaga to whole new scene. Eccentric club folks, colored hair, flashy clothes. I'm betting this was also the time she got really into the drugs. Gaga was probably so enthralled by this scene and wanted to be a part of it and accepted by it so bad because it was more exciting than what she had before. I get that. As young people grow up and experience more, they change and experiment several times over the years. Be it who they choose to hang out with, where they choose to hang out, the music they like, clothes they like and hair cuts they like. But don't claim to be born that way when clearly you're not.
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Fast forward to Gaga's interview in Australia. She claims that due to the bullying she got in high school, she was afraid to dress the way she wants to dress, in reference to the way she dresses now. She was afraid of being made fun of so she tried to be as normal as possible and that she wasn't brave.
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OK, fine, that makes sense however, IF that were the case, wouldn't Gaga have had these ideas already and brought them to the table herself when she started recording with Fusari? This idea and look of who she really is inside, how she was "born" would've already been there. She didn't need Starlight or anyone to help manufacture a look and gimmick for her.
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Gaga basically settled for a product and now that she's famous, is trying to peddle it as art and claiming to be original. So now, all the monsters are buying it up and they will rip your face off if you try to show them otherwise. Listen Monsters, Gaga was not "Born This Way", she was "Manufactured This Way". Gaga is the last person who should be preaching this "be yourself" ra ra sermon. Stefani molded and shaped herself with the help of others to become the person we know today as Lady Gaga. She has lost herself in her alter ego and I think she is really believing the lies she tells herself everyday.
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Is it even possible for Stefani to not make a natural disaster about her? I guess not. Stefani tweeted today "Thinking of NY during this hurricane, You and I are forever. Strongest place I know. Home.". Note the plug for her latest floptastic song "You and I".
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Couldn't she just wish NYC and it's people the best without plugging herself? Seriously. It's fucking sickening. Can someone please tell her that this hurricane is not about her. Thank you.
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Since no one else, eh-hem Perez Hilton, won't acknowledge GaGa's nip slip, I feel it's my duty to do it. At the 2011 CFDA awards in New York, Miss GagMe had a little wardrobe malfunction, where she accepted the Fashion Icon award. Perez Hilton has no boundaries when it comes to showing nip slips and crotch shots of other celebs but when the same accidents happen to GaGa, his readers don't hear a peep from Mario. So here it is folks. GaGa's nip slip. Maybe next time Gaga, you should wear clothes that fit you. Just a thought.
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I called it in my post titled "Gaga's "You and I" Single Cover" on August 6th! I CALLED IT LITTLE MONSTERS!!! I knew she was going to go to the VMA's dressed as a man. Back in 1984, Annie Lennox went to the Grammy awards dressed as man and performing her hit "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) in drag, causing quite the stir. Well, Gaga goes and does it again. The Queen of Copy Cat just jacked off one of Annie's memorable performances. Of course, so many youngsters will think Stefani is so original because the had yet to be born when Annie gave her performance. Stefani must think we are so stupid and have forgotten just because 30 years have passed. There is absolutely nothing original about Stefani. Everything she does is directly taken from artists pass and with her track record of theft, this one is hard to ignore.
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It's no secret that Lady Gaga has used cocaine in the past. She's admitted it on television and in interviews, honestly saying that she's done bags and bags of the funny white stuff. Could she be using right now?
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According to Ian Halperin, celebrity unauthorized biographer who's penning an explosive biography about her, she is. Halperin has been tracking Gaga's every move for the past year and heavily researching her.
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He says she is abusing drugs once again and it doesn't end there. He also claims that she is completely preoccupied with her weight. Ian says to Star Magazine “Those who have worked with her on tour reported to me that Gaga barely ate for weeks at a time to fit into her costume. She is sick and obsessed with her weight.” Ian also says “One friend told me Gaga will stare at herself in the mirror for hours on end, analysing and critiquing her body. It’s an unhealthy obsession.”

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